In the latest video on our Youtube Channel “Mееt Thе VаlvеNеrd” our Product Manager Michael Hasselbach ѕhares with уоu thе different fire ѕаfеtу tесhniԛuеѕ ѕо thаt at thе end of the vidео, уоu will bе аblе to make an infоrmеd decision оn thе best firе ѕаfеtу tесhniԛuеѕ tо сhооѕе from.
Continue readingYouTube video: Why does replacing a Single Bаll Vаlvе with a DBB Valve imрrоvе уоur еffесtivеnеѕѕ?
Let’s соnѕidеr a scenario: Due to the inсrеаѕеd safety requirements уоu gеt thе task tо сhаngе all ѕinglе bаll vаlvеѕ in a ѕресifiс аррliсаtiоn tо a Double Blосk & Bleed Bаll Valve. … Maybe you’re thinking now: “Oh mу gоsh, hоw mаnу flange соnnесtiоnѕ are affected!”
Continue readingImproved isolation of fluid systems for maintenance work
Customer listening is an essential topic at AS-Schneider. AS-Schneider technicians often visit customers together with their sales colleagues to discuss daily challenges, issues and success stories. One point we came across at a customer visit of the gas storage plant “Jemgum” (astora GmbH & Co. KG) in northern Germany is how to take care of maintenance and repair operations in technical plants. In this article, we would like to describe how DBB Valves used in a bypass application provide a solution that can help you saving maintenance and replacement costs.
Continue readingWhat is the best solution for valve release?
Oil and gas pipelines often pass over long distances through rough environments. They face exposure to temperature variations and other weather influences. The technology used must meet the highest quality standards. Manufacturers always have to ensure a smooth distribution of liquids and gases. Proper distribution helps them to avoid any leakages.
Continue readingSmart DBB Valve Technology
DBB Valves: Traditional installations of DBB Valve systems at plants are very time consuming and an expensive practice. A traditional system consists of two single ball valves, a needle valve, various connectors, adaptors and flanges. There are many steps to consider when completing the installation process. In total, there can be as many as 41 steps required for a traditional installation of DBB valves setup.
Continue readingOSHA Standards – Occupational health and safety
Safety requirements in the process industry are extremely high. In some plants, especially in processes, involving flammable liquids or toxic gases, such a leakage can lead to risks to the plant but much important to the personnel – Especially for engineers with focus on maintenance and facility. The DBB Valves made by AS-Schneider provides an added value for all fields of application:
Continue reading3 mm are crucial to avoid overpressure
Pipelines that transport oil and gas over long distances often pass through rough environments. They are exposed to temperature variations and other weather influences. To ensure that the distribution of liquids and gases functions smoothly and that the medium does not escape, the technology must meet the highest quality standards.
Continue readingTorque is more than meets the eye
When considering the torque values to operate the valve, one must consider how much torque is required to fully open and fully close the valve. If the valve gets stuck in mid function of opening or closing the valve a safety factor must also be considered sizing the actuator.
Continue readingThe Paradoxon of Dual Certified Material 316 / 316L
When I started my career as a valve engineer, one of the first lessons were: Which materials are used for valve components. Didn`t know too much about the details of the different materials, for me, the most strange material at that times was the 316 Series.
Continue readingCompact DDB Valves for Modular Plant Systems
Construction of modularized plant system has become a popular choice of design in heavy process industries like the Oil/Gas and Petrochemical Sector. Modularization is where equipment, vessels, piping, valves, instrumentation and electrical/controls are mounted on a compact steel framework, commonly called “skids”.
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