In the latest video on our Youtube Channel “Mееt Thе VаlvеNеrd” our Product Manager Michael Hasselbach ѕhares with уоu thе different fire ѕаfеtу tесhniԛuеѕ ѕо thаt at thе end of the vidео, уоu will bе аblе to make an infоrmеd decision оn thе best firе ѕаfеtу tесhniԛuеѕ tо сhооѕе from.
Continue readingThe Imperative of Fire Safe Testing!
I often hear people saying “Metal seated valves with graphite sealing don’t need to be fire safe tested, as all the components are fire resistant”.
To be honest, starting my career as a valve engineer, I was convinced, that this common understanding is true – until I did fire safe tests on my own for our Monoflange Series, many years ago. Even after this long period of time I remember very well, when we did the pre-tests. I looked very surprised, when the valve seat was leaking during the firing of the valve.
“Fire Safe Approved” vs. “Fire Safe by Design”
During the last years I recognized, that people sometimes talk about “Fire Safe by Design“. When I was coming across this the first time, I wondered about the meaning of this in detail – Just using metal to metal sealing, graphite sealing or graphite packing?
“Fire safe by Design” is widely used, but to my knowledge there is no common or firm description or rules limiting or qualifying the use of this concept.
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